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Refusal In Place, a Quarantine series consists of several live performance collaborations with other artists in isolation. We used varying social media platforms to document our performances together while the stay-at-home order is in affect during the global pandemic. While deaths due to Covid-19 in the United States have been skyrocketing above every other country, our government leaders rush to reopen business-as-usual for the sake of the economy. This series presents an antithesis to the logic of Capitalist productivity and "hustle culture".



1,322 miles with Panamanian artist Michelle Magallon, duration 1 hour on Instagram Live  


With our phone cameras directed at the sky which connects us, we watched the clouds together, 1,322 miles apart, until the IG Live feature kicked us off. 

Collaboration with Allie Wisniewski, IG Live, 1 hour


April's Pink Super Moon, 45 min collaboration on Zoom where we danced together under the shared moonlight. 

2020 Healing Rituals, 45 min collaboration on Zoom with Claudia W Guerra, Betül Adalier, and Natalia Martinez. 

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